Sasquatch Senior Community: Lois and Mel
In the heart of 1955, beneath the guise of ordinary life, Lois and Mel, two undercover FBI agents with extraordinary talents, embark on a covert mission that will unravel a mystery as old as time itself. Disguised as insurance agents, their journey to Ormond Beach, Florida, is anything but routine. What awaits them is a discovery that defies the laws of nature and challenges the very fabric of reality.
Sasquatch Senior Community: The Early Years
In the shadowed banks of the Tomoka River, a chance encounter between a man and a creature of legend forges an unlikely alliance that challenges the boundaries of the known world.
Sasquatch Senior Community: The Middle Years
Set against the enchanting backdrop of the Tomoka River in Florida, this tale invites you into a world where the line between the known and the unknown blurs, where friendships defy the laws of nature, and where every turn of the page beckons you deeper into an unforgettable saga.